Adria Dawn and David Tarleton engaged!

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Adria and I moved in together.
I had originally intended to pop the question to her the night that we moved in, but we were both so tired after the move (and Adria had to run out somewhere that evening) that it just didn't seem like the right time yet.
So the next day, we woke up, and had a beautifully romantic morning together. She began to get ready for work, and I kept trying to find the right moment. She went into the bathroom to start showering, and before she could, I got down on my knees and popped the question. The first thing she said was, "For real?"
Once I confirmed that I was serious, she said yes. Tears welled up and the whole moment was really quite beautiful, in the middle of the bathroom. :)
My Mom sent us an engagement ring that was in the family, an antique from my late Great Aunt, which Adria loved, and proudly wears around now.
We're planning on a Fall wedding next year.
Thank you so much!
I believe Congratulations are requored here!
I wish you both many many happy years :)
Congrats! That's very cool!
Congrats David. Awesome!
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