
After the destruction of the old woods in Europe, the trolls, witches, fairies and goblins had nowhere left to go. Thus they did what so many others had done before them: they moved to Los Angeles.

Jack, a goth fairy tale fetishist, falls in love with Jill, the daughter of the Russian cannibalistic witch, Baba Yaga.

He must enter Baba Yaga's hut to face impossible quests, hideous monsters, a convenience store troll and even a junkie fairy to win his girlfriend's hand in marriage.

Featuring immigrant fairy tale characters living in L.A., Dinner is a film that I finished in 2000.

The film takes the flavor of old Slavic folktales, and juxtaposes it against modern Los Angeles. It is a dark, urban, gothic fairytale.

I was Producer / Director / Co-Writer / Editor / Special Effects on the film. It was shot on 35mm and premiered at the Slamdance Film Festival January, 2000. It took over 2 years to complete. It was my USC graduate thesis film.

After playing at a number of film festivals, it was released on DVD, on a collection called Fusion One, by Indie DVD.

Dinner also played on the Sci Fi Channel, on the series Exposure. Here is my interview from the show.

The film is 19 min. 41 sec. long, and the download file is 31M large.

Dinner's IMDB Page with cast & crew info. Buy Dinner from Amazon.com!

Copyright (c) 2000
All Rights Reserved.
You may download this for your private enjoyment.

Lagrange Point 5

This song is called Lagrange Point 5.

I made it using Reason. It's kind of like an industrial symphonic movement.

copyright (c) 2004 by David Tarleton,
All rights reserved.
You are welcome to download and enjoy it.

What Babies Want

The DVDs are finished for What Babies Want, and can be purchased at www.whatbabieswant.com.

VHS tapes are also available.

I was the editor, a producer, and co-writer on this feature length documentary, which was narrated by Noah Wyle.

The film explores the consciousness of infants.

Debby Takikawa, the director, is currently putting together an updated website, but you can already buy the film online at the site.


Ruach/Breath is a song I made using a drum loop, and two parts I played on my Low Whistle, which was run through an effects pedal.

Ruach is Hebrew for breath, but also for soul or spirit. The breath and the spirit are one. When one ceases, so does the other.

I feel that there's something emotionally deeper in musical instruments controlled by breath. The intonation is more directly from the inside of the body, closer to singing.

copyright (c) 2003 by David Tarleton
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

No Matter How High I Try To Fly, The Earth's Still There To Pull Me Down

This song is entitled No Matter How High I Try To Fly, The Earth's Still There To Pull Me Down.

This song tells a story, if you listen for it.

I wrote and performed it using Reason on my Mac.


copyright (c) 2004 by David Tarleton,
All rights reserved.
You are welcome to download and enjoy it.

A Picture of your Humble Proprietor, David Tarleton

This is a picture I took of myself with my new cameraphone.