Twinkle In Her Eye

I took this picture a couple weeks ago. It's my fiance, Adria Dawn. I photographed her digitally, using my Canon 20D.
Copyright (c) 2005 by David Tarleton

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
Sort of reminds of my raised brows when I took a pick with my camera and filmed Geraldo...
Except it wan't on a Cannon...Cannon seems to have really good quality cameras...
Plus you don't need to use the Podner Converter when doing video on the Cannon compared to the New Sony DSC-H1 which doesn't export the sound when viewing in I-tunes... soo sucks...
I wan't a cannon..
I love it. The picture quality is really great. I shoot with it all the time.
She often has a mischievous look in her eye. :)
Ha ha, she's got that mischievous look in her eye, like "Will you put that camera down and get over here?"
How do you like your Canon?
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