Theological Thoughts...

Here's some of my thoughts on the transmigration of the soul.

Let's take, as a given (for the sake of argument), the existence of a soul or spirit. Perhaps it is a multidimensional energy field, or perhaps it is the Ruach Elohim, the breath of God.

I've always liked the story in Genesis about how God blew on the clay, and animated it with his breath, and it became us.

In Hebrew, it's Ruach Elohim, the breath of God. The Ruach is the animating principle. It's the little piece of God in each of our souls. When Jesus says that God is in our hearts, it is this that he is speaking of.

I believe that this is the same thing as Chi, or Kundalini, or the Collective Unconscious of Jung. It is the invisible threads that connect us all to the Source of all.

Our souls connect us to all the other souls and to God.

Our energy, our life force, our souls. I saw my Grandma die a year and a half ago, and when I saw her dead body, there was something missing. SHE wasn't present anymore, it was only a shell. The final breath is when we give our souls, our Ruach, back up to the universe.

From God we come, from the Universal Lungs, and back out there we return.

I believe in a kind of reincarnation, but not what the Hindus preach.

If you look at the actual matter that makes up your body, the atoms, the molecules, the electons -- those bits of matter have made up many different people over the years.

Every 7 years we have totally different cells in our bodies. We are constantly in a state of flux.

The universe recycles. That's what the Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy is all about.

And if our matter has been many different people, and sometimes air, and sometimes part of the ocean, and sometimes plants, and sometimes different animals - why not our souls?

Perhaps the reason so many people can past life regress into Napoleon, or whoever, is that each of them has a tiny piece of the original.

I may be breathing in the same molecules of air as Cleopatra, but maybe, somewhere in my being, I am also made up of some of the same ETERNAL parts as well.

I believe that we come from the Universal Consciousness, and it is to that which we return.

God, and the collectivity that exists beyond life is like a giant pool of water, our souls are like drops of the water, and when it is time for us to be born, we fall like rain into our new material bodies.

When we die, our souls return into the universal sea of souls. Our spiritual molecules mix with the others.

We will continue on forever, but not as a single coherent thing. The rest of the universe, when observed, just doesn't show that that's how things are. They transmute, and join and unjoin different bodies constantly.


Blogger David Tarleton said...

Why couldn't they transform into other bodies? That's what the Hindus believe.

All living things, it seems to me, exist on a continuum. If the Ruach Elohim, the breath of God, animates us (these words are metaphors which suggest an underlying reality beyond our senses), then it animates all other living things, as well.

If we have souls, why don't all living things? It seems awful arrogant to believe that human beings are the only creatures with souls. I mean, we've taught gorillas sign language and communicated with them. They aren't as intelligent as us - but that doesn't mean they are soulless. By that reasoning, the retarded would be without a soul - an argument no one would make.

Why wouldn't extraterrestrials' souls be made of the same material ours are?

6/30/2005 7:12 PM  
Blogger The_Darkener said...

I find the idea behind this blog brilliant, and your thoughts very interesting. I very much enjoyed reading this blog on souls, god, and other abstract ideas. I hope you continue in this path, and all your searches/ journeys of the future!

8/23/2004 5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes this idea very interesting, but what would happen if the Earth died? I believe that there is more then one planet where life exists. And I am totally sure that there are no beings that look like humans. So our souls can't transform into non-human bodies.

6/16/2005 8:23 AM  
Blogger David Tarleton said...

To follow up, here's an article addressing the Catholic Church's position on whether or not aliens have souls.

12/14/2005 2:12 PM  

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