Day Two of the Great Experiment

Hello there, again.

I was a radio DJ during college for 3 years, for the AM campus station. I remember playing a lot of David Bowie.

But when I would talk out, over the air, it kind of felt like this. It's my own message in a bottle, and you faithful readers are the recipients.

I'm working on this documentary now, as a freelance film editor. I use Final Cut Pro, and I have my own system at home (it's at the center of a whole digital studio I have, with 3 monitors, multiple computers, midi keyboard, multiple A/D converters of various kinds).

The doc is about the fact that babies are conscious and remember everything, and all the things we do to them, even before birth and at birth, have serious psychological consequences.

I compose a lot of music in my free time, and I think my singing voice has been getting better. I've written probably 40 or so songs, but I still don't quite have the right ones for my first album yet. Maybe 8 or 9 so far, though, that I think are particularly good.

I think it's important to be honestly critical with yourself about your own work. Not everything one produces is gold. And the things I make that are less good, I usually don't inflict upon the world.

But when I can open myself up. When I can connect to the cosmic unconsciousness, to the land where dreams are born, to the place underneath my brain where the ideas come from, then I feel awesome.

I find I can access it more and more.

Sometimes I'll look at something I made later and not remember producing it.

Othertimes I can recall every painful moment.

Or the joy of being finished and seeing it in the theatres, or on TV, or at a festival, or just knowing that some other person besides myself gets to see this thing that I've made.

But mostly it's jobs that I'm hired on to, where I'm a journeyman, that get big exposure. I produced and edited a series of TV specials for Sony Pictures, to be seen in China and Taiwan. I mean, the TV audience in China is over a billion people. More people are going to see it there than here, but it's still weird to make things in a foreign language.

I might post some music I've been working on here, if people are interested.


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