What Babies Want Screening

A big thank you goes out to everybody who came out to see the film. We had a pretty good turn-out, and everyone seemed to really like the film. I was Producer / Editor of this feature length documentary.
I'm constantly in awe of our audiences. For some people, watching this film seems to start a healing process. People cry during the film, they witness afterward. I keep hearing the most touching stories about peoples' birth trauma. Thank you for being so open.
The director, Debby Takikawa, wasn't able to make this screening because of tooth pain. So, I handled the Q & A session after the film by myself. I thought it went well.
Adria, my lovely fiance, came along to the screening with me, and it was great having her there.
This is me in front of the Fine Arts Theatre.
That’s quite the accomplishment I have to say…...Not to mention taking over for Debby Takikawa...
That's excellent! Good luck with the next gig..
hi. Interesting blog.
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