Neptune: King of Fire

More recently, I edited the footage together into this short piece, entitled "Neptune: King of Fire." (note: ipod version)
You can watch more of my films here.
An eclectic mix of original films, music, art and writing by acclaimed film maker and artist David Tarleton. Haunting, funny, dark, whimsical, original. Creative Mythology -- enter a whole new world.
Is there a reason you've identified Neptune, a sea-god, as the god of fire? Why not Vesta or Vulcan (who actually were the Roman gods associated with fire)?
Does "Creative Mythology" just mean you combine ideas randomly? Or is there some symbolism I'm not getting?
King Neptune is a character created by artist and fire-spinner David Wilson.
You'd have to ask him why he wanted his fire spinning character to be a water god, but I think it's pretty cool. There is a certain harmony in the juxtaposition of fire and water inherent in the concept. He made the mask himself, and performs as the character, particularly at Burning Man.
On his Myspace page he says, "My alter-ego is an over-grown Sea Monkey who claims to be Mayor of Black Rock City." So, I guess that's his take on King Neptune.
As for the idea of "Creative Mythology," the term comes from Joseph Campbell. In Volume 4 of his Masks of God series, Creative Mythology, Campbell discusses the idea of mythogenesis, of artists mining the mythology of the past and combining it with their own subjective experiences to create our new modern mythologies.
"In the context of traditional mythology, the symbols are presented in socially maintained rites, through which the individual is required to experience, or wil pretend to have experienced, certain insights, sentiments, and commitments. In what I am calling "creative" mythology, on the other hand, this order is reversed: the individual has had an experience of his own - of order, horror, beauty, or even mere exhilaration - which he seeks to communicate through signs; and if his realization has been of a certain depth and import, his communication will have the value and force of living myth..."
Joseph Campbell, Masks of God, Volume 4, Creative Mythology.
In my own small way, what I am trying to do with my own work is to create modern myths. There are often multiple, deep layers of symbols I've placed in the work. I find, for instance, my films will often reveal new insights upon repeated viewings.
Greetings! I -love- your films, and I was just wondering what the music in this clip was. It fits the footage's atmosphere and pace perfectly. ^_^
Thanks so much!
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