Departure from Ethraxos 5
A lone human named Bill stood before the pulsating scaly mass of the Overlord of Ethraxos 5.
Bill said, “there is a curse laid upon the people of my world. There is a sadness that pervades my race when we are isolated from others of our kind. It is called loneliness. I feel it now, even among so many of your kind. I am and will always be eternally grateful for your help and hospitality, but I must return home to my friends and family. Otherwise I shall never find happiness.”
The Overlord spoke, “I understand, friend human. We will permit this one to be admitted to the ranks of the T’unglaskin [no translational equivalent]. He shall be permitted to retreat from our presense.”
“Thank you eternally, great G’uu’shinakinak’a’a’kinak, your hospitality does me a great kindness.”
“And your lack of scales, while repugnant and sickening to me and my people at first, eventually, we learned to simply avert our eyes from your ith’l’a’n’zzz’i’y’aa presence.”
“Yes, well, gotta go!”
“Before you depart, little Flatulent One, I’ve got something to give you. Now that you’re T’unglaskin and all.”
“Take this, here. This object is the Invisible Olfactory Shield of Antorrah. It will protect you for many years to come, my little stinky friend.”
“This is deodorant.”
“Now go, fly like the wind on the wings of an Y’zz’lmffthropa Bird to the land where the sun never shines.”
They pushed him out the door and slammed it behind him.
The Overlord sniffed.
“Have the whole place disinfected.”

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